Laundry equipment bring hotels a lot of profit, not only reduce some hotel cost, also save manpower meanwhile improve the working efficiency. In order to improve the quality of laundry equipment, we summarize several tips as following :
1, Category: Before using laundry equipment to wash linen, you should sort them well, distinguish linen according to the different degree of stains, shades of color, fabric, in order to facilitate washing costs and ensure quality control.
2, Loading capacity: carrying capacity is about 70% -80%, neither overload nor too less.
3, Pre-wash: 20-30 ℃ water, wash 3-5 minutes to clear some microbes attach to the linen surface.
4.Main wash: Control the “low level” well before main wash, and leave some space for steam during the heating process.
5, Detergent: input detergent base on the type and degree of dirt.
6, For linen with more grease, dark stains, should put some whitening cream or emulsifiers to remove oil, cream, butter, and some other cream oily stains etc.
7. Do remember cooling gradually when the machine work with hot water, 3-5 minutes before the end of the main wash, add some cold water slowly, slow down to 60 ℃, drain out dirty water, prevent secondary pollution.
8, Hydro-extractor: hydro completely, it is better to inject some steam for hydro extractor if washing
machine has no steam, to ensure contaminated water which penetrate the fiber can go out of linen completely.
Hope above 8 tips are helpful for laundry machine operators.