Industrial laundry businesses rely on the industrial washer and industrial dryers they use every day. These labor-saving devices have a large capacity with excellent build quality, enabling unparalleled use compared to the standard domestic washers and dryers we might use at home.
Many large establishments now do their own laundry and need these larger sized machines to perform unerringly at all times. Businesses such as heath care trusts, which have a large amount of bedding, to nursing homes and even to restaurants rely on commercial washing equipment to clean their sheets and clothing to required standards.
The hydro extractor is one such example of a commercial laundry machine which can be a huge help to any of the above premises. Hydro extractors don’t dry laundry by heating it they simply remove the water from laundry by spinning it, which means less wear on laundry, less energy used and less drying time compared to traditional drying methods.
Hydro extractors are available in sizes from 15kg to 100kg and are user friendly, robust and are virtually maintenance-free. All the high-spec models are manufactured in stainless and galvanized steel and hence have a high rust protection level and are built to withstand the rigors of the environment in which they are used.