Tumble dryer benefits

A clothes dryer or tumble dryer is a household appliance that is used to remove moisture from a load of clothing and other textiles, generally shortly after they are cleaned in a washing machine.

Most dryers consist of a rotating drum called a tumbler through which heated air is circulated to evaporate the moisture from the load. The tumbler is rotated to maintain space between the articles in the load.

Using these machines may cause clothes to shrink, become less soft (due to loss of short soft fibres/ lint) and fade. For these reasons, as well as environmental concerns, many people use open air methods such as a clothes line and clotheshorse.
There are many benefits that can be attained if a person decides to dry their clothing on a clothesline as opposed to using an electric clothes dryer. A marked decrease in household energy consumption is the financial benefit to naturally drying one’s clothing. In addition to a lower energy bill, forgoing the use of your dryer can help your clothing last longer and can provide you with a little guaranteed time outside. These benefits greatly outweigh the perceived negatives that line drying takes longer, produces clothing that are rough and misshapen, and constantly requires a diligent eye on the weather.

Ignoring your electric dryer can help you save money and enjoy your favorite clothes longer. The few perceived obstacles to line drying your laundry are minor and easy to overcome. Make the right choice and head outside with that laundry basket.

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