Introduction of some Tips About washing linen laundry equipment

The Usage of laundry equipment to bring hotels a lot of profit, which not only makes the hotel reduce the cost,and save manpower meanwhile improve the working efficiency. In order to improve the quality of wash laundry equipment , we summed up several tipps as following :

1, Category: Before use wash linen laundry equipment, first, should do the sorting work well, distinguished the lines according to the degree of stains, shades of color, fabric, in order to facilitate washing costs and ensure quality control.

2, loading capacity : laundry washing equipment’s carrying capacity is about 70% -80%, do not overload nor too less.

3, pre-wash: 20-30 ℃ with warm water, washed 3-5 minutes to clear Microbes attach to the linen surface, to beready for wash the linen fibers completely clear.

4.Main wash: Before the main wash, should control the “low level” well, and must leave some space of the water in steam during the heating process.

5, detergent: detergent inputs should be add-subtract based on the type and degree of dirty dirt.

6, when there are more grease, dark stains, Could be appropriately added some whitening cream or emulsifiers, to remove oil, cream, butter, and some other cream oily stains.

7.when operated laundry equipment with hot water supply ,must remember to ” cooling gradually ” principle, before the end of the main wash program, adding some cold water for 3-5 minutes, then slow down to about 60 ℃,discharge the dirty washing water, this can prevent secondary pollution linen happen.

8, Dehydration: Dehydration must be clean completely, it is best to add a little steam when adding water into the laundry equipment without hot water supply, by doing this to ensure the contaminated water which penetrate the fibers can be out of linen completely, Protect the linen cleanliness.

According to the introduction of above the 8 tips, Hope they are helpful to the laundry equipment operator.

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